SUGENG RAWUH asalcoret: 2012

Friday, 3 August 2012

Speech act and Maxim (Tindak ujar dan Maksim)

   Austin  distinguish three things in every speech act:
Locution is what is said, utterance
Ilocution is what the speaker intends to communicate to the addressee
Perlocution is the message that the addresee gets, his interpretation of what the speaker says
  • Aspek –aspek situasi Ujaran
Yang menyapa (penyapa atau penutur) dan yang disapa (pesapa atau petutur)
Konteks sebuah tuturan: aspek yg berhub ddengan lingkungan fisik dan sosial sebuah tuturan atau suatu pengetahuan latar belakangyang sama yang dimiliki oleh penutur dan petutur/mitra tutur
  • Tujuan tuturan
Tuturan sebagai suatu tindakan atau kegiatan:tindak ujar
Tuturan sebagai produk tindak verbal
  • Speech Act (Tindak Ujar)
Assertive Utterances: The speakers or the writer use language to tell what they know or believe, assertive language is concerned with the facts and the purpose  to inform.
Assertive Utterances divided into two part; Indirect and direct uterances
Example Indirect: More plastics are made from soy beans, Direct (usually started with I or we and assertive verb) We declare that the most plastics are made from soy beans

  • Assertive verb
  1. Focus on information : announce, declare, disclose, explain, express, indicate, mention, proclaim, relate, report
  2. Focus on truth-value of utterance: affirm, allege, assert, certify, concede, guarantee, swear, attest, bet, claim, contend, maintain
  3. Focus on the speaker’s or involvement in what is reported: confide, deny, profess, and protest
  4. Focus on manner of communicating: emphasize, hint, imply, intimate, stress
  5. Focus on the nature of message: dictate, narrate, preach
  6. Focus on aspect: predict, recall

  • Performative utterances
 Performative utterance are valid if spoken by someone whose right to make them is accepted and in circumstances which are accepted as appropriate. Naturally, the limitatation on what can be a performative utterance; The subject of sentence must be I or we, The verb must be in the present tense, Most important the speaker must be recognized as having the authority to make the statement and the circumstances must be appropriate.

A performative utterances is neither true nor false but  its purpose is to make a part of the world conform to what is said. The verbs include bet, declare, baptize, name, nominate, and pronounce

  • Verdictive utterances
  1. Verdictive utterances are speech act in which the speaker makes an assessment or judgment about the acts of another usually addressee.
  2. The action  is viewed positively: commend ….for, compliment…on, congratulate… for, honor… for, praise…for
  3. The action is beneficial to the speaker: thank for…, grateful to…for
  4. The action is viewed negatively: accuse…of, blame…for, admonish…for, criticize…for, scold…for, charge… with

  • Expressive Utterances
Expressive utterances spring from the previous action-or failure to act-of the speaker, or perhaps the present result of those action or failures. Expressive are thus retrospective and speaker involved. The most common express verbs are acknowledge, admit, confess, deny, apologize

  • Directive utterances
Directive utterance are those in which the speaker tries to get the addressee to perform some act or refrain from performing  an act. Directive utterance Is prospective; one cannot tell to other people to do something in the past. Three Kinds of directive utterance:
  1. Command is effective if only the speaker has some degree of control over the action of the addressee
  2. A request is an expression of what the speaker wants to do or refrain from doing.
  3. Suggestion is utterances we make to other people to give our opinions as to what they should or should not do

  • Commissive Utterances
Speech act that commit a speaker to a course of action are called commissive utterances. These include promises, pledges, threats, and vows. Commissive verbs are illustrated by agree, ask, offer, refuse, swear, all following infinitives. They are prospective and concerbed with the speaker’s communication to future action.

  • Phatic Utterances
Example: I’m glad to meet you or so nice to see you again , are necessarily expressions of deep feeling on the part of the speaker. The purpose of utterances like these, phatic utterances is to establish rapport between members of the same society. Phatic language has obvious function than six types discussed above but it is not less important. Phatic utterances include greetings, farewells, polite formulas.

  • Maxim (maksim)
According to grice (1978) divided into four part
Maxim of quantity requires the speaker to give as much information as the addressee need but no more
Maxim relevance requires us as speaker, to make our utterances relative to the discourse going on and the context in which they occur
Maxim manner is to be orderly and clear and to avoid ambiguity
Maxim of quality is to say only what one believe to be true.


Speaking proficiency is one kind of language proficiency to be achieved in the teaching of modern languages ​​including English. Talking is the primary vehicle for fostering mutual understanding, mutual communication, using language as a medium.
Speak in the language classroom activities have aspects of two-way communication, ie, between the speaker and the listener on a reciprocal basis. Thus exercises should first talk based on: (1) the ability to listen, (2) the ability to say, and (3) mastery (relative) vocabulary and phrases that enable students to communicate the intent or his thoughts.
Therefore, it can be said that the practice of this speaking is a continuation of a listening exercise activities are also contained in the said exercise. Target to be achieved in this case is the ability and verbal fluency or oral talk (communicate) directly as a primary function of language, particularly English. Because the principle is to Teach in Teaching Speaking The Language, Do not Teach Only About The Language.
            The goal of teaching speaking skills is communicative efficiency. Learners should be able to make themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation. To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use a balanced activities approach that combines language input, structured output, and communicative output. Language input comes in the form of teacher talk, listening activities, reading passages, and the language heard and read outside of class. It gives learners the material they need to begin producing language themselves.
            In the presentation part of a lesson, an instructor combines content-oriented and form-oriented input. The amount of input that is actually provided in the target language depends on students' listening proficiency and also on the situation. For students at lower levels, or in situations where a quick explanation on a grammar topic is needed, an explanation in English may be more appropriate than one in the target language.
            Students often think that the ability to speak a language is the product of language learning, but speaking is also a crucial part of the language learning process. Effective instructors teach students speaking strategies -- using minimal responses, recognizing scripts, and using language to talk about language -- that they can use to help themselves expand their knowledge of the language and their confidence in using it. These instructors help students learn to speak so that the students can use speaking to learn.
            Language learners who lack confidence in their ability to participate successfully in oral interaction often listen in silence while others do the talking. One way to encourage such learners to begin to participate is to help them build up a stock of minimal responses that they can use in different types of exchanges. Such responses can be especially useful for beginners. Minimal responses are predictable, often idiomatic phrases that conversation participants use to indicate understanding, agreement, doubt, and other responses to what another speaker is saying. Having a stock of such responses enables a learner to focus on what the other participant is saying, without having to simultaneously plan a response.
            Some communication situations are associated with a predictable set of spoken exchanges a script. Greetings, apologies, compliments, invitations, and other functions that are influenced by social and cultural norms often follow patterns or scripts. So do the transactional exchanges involved in activities such as obtaining information and making a purchase. In these scripts, the relationship between a speaker's turn and the one that follows it can often be anticipated. instructors can help students develop speaking ability by making them aware of the scripts for different situations so that they can predict what they will hear and what they will need to say in response. Through interactive activities, instructors can give students practice in managing and varying the language that different scripts contain
            Language learners are often too embarrassed or shy to say anything when they do not understand another speaker or when they realize that a conversation partner has not understood them. Instructors can help students overcome this reticence by assuring them that misunderstanding and the need for clarification can occur in any type of interaction, whatever the participants' language skill levels. Instructors can also give students strategies and phrases to use for clarification and comprehension check.  by encouraging students to use clarification phrases in class when misunderstanding occurs, and by responding positively when they do, instructors can create an authentic practice environment within the classroom itself. As they develop control of various clarification strategies, students will gain confidence in their ability to manage the various communication situations that they may encounter outside the classroom.
            Traditional classroom speaking practice often takes the form of drills in which one person asks a question and another gives an answer. The question and the answer are structured and predictable, and often there is only one correct, predetermined answer. The purpose of asking and answering the question is to demonstrate the ability to ask and answer the question. in contrast, the purpose of real communication is to accomplish a task, such as conveying a telephone message, obtaining information, or expressing an opinion. In real communication, participants must manage uncertainty about what the other person will say. Authentic communication involves an information gap; each participant has information that the other does not have. In addition, to achieve their purpose, participants may have to clarify their meaning or ask for confirmation of their own understanding.
            To create classroom speaking activities that will develop communicative competence, instructors need to incorporate a purpose and an information gap and allow for multiple forms of expression. However, quantity alone will not necessarily produce competent speakers. Instructors need to combine structured output activities, which allow for error correction and increased accuracy, with communicative output activities that give students opportunities to practice language use more freely.
            Speaking skills to be mastered by the students because these skills are directly related to the entire student learning. Student success in following the process of teaching and learning in schools is largely determined by the mastery of their speech. Students who are unable to speak properly will have difficulty in following the learning activities for all subjects. Any talk of learning to speak learning methods have advantages and disadvantages of each. One method that will complement the other methods. Teachers can choose one or combine various methods in accordance with the conditions of students and availability of other means of support. In addition, teachers can also create a new model in the implementation of learning to speak. Language experience approach is one method that can be used by teachers to improve fluency in speaking because of the language experience approach, the materials developed by teachers with students face to face. In the normal development of materials that can be developed all language skills: listening, or listening, speaking, reading, and writing. With all the skills in an activity that required teachers to be more creative.­­

References, acces on 27th June, 2012.


  • 1.Siswa beragam dalam fisik, gaya dan cara bertindak, berbicara, mengerjakan tugas, memecahkan masalah, dsb.
  • 2.Yang penting dipahami adalah keragaman kecakapan dan kepribadian.
  • 3.Anak yang cakap (intelegensinya tinggi) adalah yang bertindak cepat, tepat, dan mudah.
  • 4.Kecakapan diperoleh melalui kelahiran, perkembangan, dan pengalaman 
pertemuan 5.ppt


Secara etimologis dari bahasa Latin   movere atau bahasa Inggris to move ‘menggerakkan’
§Secara psikologis motivasi adalah proses psikologikal yang menyebabkan timbulnya, diarahkannya, dan terjadinya persistensi kegiatan sukarela yang diarahkan ke arah tujuan tertentu.
pertemuan 4.ppt

Pengertian Motivasi

Esensi motivasi adalah
1.Suatu kekuatan (power) atau tenaga (force) atau daya (energy)
2.Suatu keadaan yang kompleks (a complex state) dan kesiapsediaan (preparatory set) dalam diri individu (organisme) untuk bergerak ke arah tujuan tertentu, baik disadari maupun tidak disadari.



  1. a.Menjelaskan tugas guru sebagai pendidik dan sebagai pengajar
  2. b.Menjelaskan konsep dan mekanisme perilaku manusia
  3. c.Menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh tiga domain taksonomi perilaku manusia
  4. d.Menjelaskan dan menentukan indikator peranan dan pengaruh tindakan perilaku manusia


Pendidikan mencakup seluruh proses hidup dan segenap bentuk interaksi individu dengan lingkungannya, baik secara formal, nonformal, dan informal dalam rangka mewujudkan diri sesuai dengan tahapan tugas perkembangannya secara optimal sehingga mencapai taraf kedewasaan tertentu.


  1. a.Konservator: pemelihara sistem nilai yang merupakan sumber norma kedewasaan
  2. b.Inovator: pengembang sistem nilai ilmu pengetahuan;
  3. c.Transmitor: penerus sistem nilai kepada peserta didik;
  4. d.Transformator: penerjemah sistem nilai melalui penjelmaan dalam pribadi dan perilaku melalui interaksi dengan sasaran didik;
  5. e.Organisator: penyelenggara terciptanya proses edukatif yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan


Pendidikan merupakan salah satu proses interaksi belajar mengajar.
  1. a.Planner: perencana yang harus mempersiapkan perilaku dalam proses pembelajaran;
  2. b.Organizer: pelaksana yang harus menciptakan situasi, memimpin, merangsang, menggerakkan, dan mengarahkan KBM sesuai rencana;
  3. c.Evaluator: penilai yang harus mengumpulkan, menganalisis, menafsirkan, dan memberi pertimbangan keberhasilan pembelajaran berdasarkan kriteria tertentu.
  4. d.Behavior change: pengubah perilaku peserta didik


  • 1.PAHAM HOLISTIK: menekankan bahwa perilaku bertujuan, artinya bahwa aspek intrinsik dari dalam diri individu merupakan faktor penentu yang penting untuk melahirkan perilaku tertentu meskipun tanpa perangsang dari lingkungan.
  • 2.PAHAM BEHAVIORISTIK: menekankan bahwa pola-pola perilaku itu dapat dibentuk melalui proses pembiasaan dan pengukuhan dengan mengondisikan stimulus dalam lingkungan.
3.Seyogyanya kedua pandangan digunakan sebagaimana aliran konvergensi William Stern


  1. 1.What: apa yang hendak dicapai dalam perilaku
  2. 2.How: bagaimana cara mencapai tujuan tersebut
  3. 3.Why: mengapa mencapai tujuan itu. Apa karena kebutuhan (intrinsik) atau tantangan (ekstrinsik)


1.Berdasarkan kerangka pikir:
a.Plato dan Aristoteles: kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik
b.Ki Hajar Dewantara: cipta, rasa, karsa
c.Modern: penalaran, penghayatan, dan pengamalan
2.Berdasarkan konteks pendidikan (Bloom)
a.Kognitif: pengetahuan, pemahaman, penerapan, penguraian, pemaduan, penilaian.
b.Afektif: penerimaan, penyambutan, penghargaan, karakterisasi
c.Psikomotor: gerakan jasmani biasa, gerakan indah, komunikasi nonverbal, perilaku verbal


1.Pendidikan adalah normatif, artinya merupakan seperangkat pengetahuan, fakta, sistem nilai, prosedur, sikap yang ruang lingkup dan urutannya disusun berdasarkan tahapan perkembangan, lingkungan, dan kriteria keberhasilannya.
2.Praktik pendidikan pada hakikatnya merupakan usaha penciptaan seperangkat stimulus yang bisa menghasilkan seperangkat respon
3.Arah perubahan dan perkembangan serta kualifikasinya bergantung pada faktor S (pendidikan) dan faktor O (siswa) atau dalam rumusan
P = f(S,O) atau P = a+b1S+b2O+E
P= perilaku O= organisme (siswa)
f = fungsi a= pengaruh rata-rata S dan O
S= stimulus b1b2=nilai kontribusi S dan O
E= pengaruh variabel lain

Pengertian Psikologi

ÚGleitman: psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang berusaha memahami perilaku manusia, alasan, dan cara manusia melakukan sesuatu, serta memahami bagaimana manusia berpikir dan berperasaan.
ÚBruno: psikologi adalah studi tentang roh; ilmu pengetahuan tentang kehidupan mental, dan ilmu tentang tingkah laku organisme.
pertemuan 1.ppt



Friday, 4 May 2012

educational problem can be solved by parent who care

     Problems of education are often heard our ears and to date unresolved. the Government seems not to realize their negligence in education. but the main problem is the people of Indonesia have not dared to take action. here are more and more people fear the government rather than dare to take risks for the future of all children of the nation.
     Is supposed to do that is a common struggle, in which all parents who care about each other.but unfortunately there is currently no sense of community, no sense of "both had children, were equally concerned about other people's children". the rich only care about their children. maybe the poor want to get the chance of corruption in the office so that their children can get the same opportunities as children of the rich. there is no sense of community, no sense of mutual caring. all persons acting on their own and their own complaints.
     If we drop a few drops of tears over the heads of government and officials, their heads just a little wet and wipe with paper towels, then forgotten. if 100 million parents drop their tears over the heads of government at the same time, the result is a massive flood, which may be ignored. parents need to unite and develop strategies to counter government policies that ignore the rights of the nation. otherwise, nothing will change.

essay corruption in education

     Corruption is a serious threat to any country. tragically more corruption in the country have been included in every niche of life.the executive, legislative, judicial and even that should be the ones to deal with the problem of corruption is not uncommon to be a nest of corruption.what about corruption in educational institutions?.
      My friends at school often makes statements that (sorry) according to the authors a bit narcissistic. for example, claimed that the perpetrators of education in schools is not possible because there was no graft and corruption. Statement, "Do not corrupt the chalk, the only time corruption ', a statement which is often expressed by peers at school. Is this true?. Is it true that the school is still a moral force?. Is it true that the school is really white area that is free from corruption?.answering these questions will not be easy. Without knowing the terminology of corruption will certainly provide answers uncertain. form of corruption in educational institutions is very varied, often not realized by the actors. for example, parents gifts to teachers to "simplify" the child, leakage of exam questions or answer keys, lobbying with bribes to obtain assistance or budgetary allocation of government funds, bribes for certain positions, bribes to facilitate the operating permit the new school, and a bribe to facilitate the accreditation of schools. Perpetrators of corruption bribes are often viewed as part of service .models of corruption in educational institutions is difficult to stop because of the mode is different from other institutions that corruption in the mode most of the budget fraud. Education instituted apparent corruption, and actually contain a higher hazard potential. if corruption is only detrimental to the state budget in the form of money, corruption in educational institutions and non-economic harm such as damaging the economy and undermine students' mental future students.corruption in education was very harmful for endangering the future of social, economic, and political corruption in a nation as educational institutions over the long term impact, threatening the equality of access, quantity and quality of education, perceived by poor people because of the closing of access to education is quality so that poor kids get out of poverty.
     See the impact that much more dangerous than other corruption, corruption in educational institutions should be dealt with seriously. If not the same as creating a new corrupt candidates either overt or covert.whatever the reason, corruption in educational institutions should be reduced, if it can be cleaned completely due to the impact of long-term harm. all parties become stakeholders in education must be critical and proactive in fighting corruption in educational institutions.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Essay Disparities Education

       More real education gap we encountered. not from the geographical perspective between East and West Indonesia Indonesia is often in discussing, but the gap is now closer distance, between the school and on the Outskirts of town in a region, between the labeled and unlabeled, Among species or clumps of education, Between the foundation or fight each other in acquiring new students.
        Educational disparities not only indicate that kastanisasi true education, but also a lack of appreciation of policy makers and education managers, the school's existence. gaps that can be easily seen with the naked eye how the schools are regarded as gods in building intellectual community helper son. Educators tend to choose the educational institution with a higher caste with the assumption that additional incentives will be linear with a grade school. Disparities in education will be more apparent if we look at the school in the suburbs. At the level of SD / MI and SMP / MTs in the suburbs, especially the private schools start trouble getting new students. the emergence of many foundations that establish educational institutions became the primary source of sharpening competition in getting school students. Understandably, the existence of private schools depend on the number of students, a growing number of students who obtained the more funds will be obtained .. A lot of management education has been a guerrilla for wooing prospective new students before graduation was announced. With banners, promo to school, and the even more tragic is the door to door with the lure of a free school, brought the uniform, and do not forget to also wooed and persuaded his parents to school it manages. There are even schools that appreciate a student with a bonus of Rp 20,000, - to Rp 50.000, - to individuals who contributed to enroll prospective students into educational institutions under its management. At the level of SMP / MTs worse, school administrators have had to calculate the pros and cons to spend money on promotion. Gains and losses are based on the BOS funds will be received. Not to mention the impact to the front, if the student is expected to raise as much so that many of them from government agencies. With a variety of propaganda, of parents in the suburbs is easy to be tempted, advised the school to get a little free plus facilities such as uniforms and books will ease the economic burden that is increasingly severe. Unlike the parents of students who have upper-middle-class economy, persuasion it will not work because they choose expensive school, labeled and have a high caste because they can afford Shyly we realize that the sphere of education has been practicing capitalism.
     Disparities in education of any nature is not good sign for the continuation of educational institutions in the country Air. Policies makers need to take strategic steps to break down and Reduced-these disparities. Establishment of the new school regulation must be tightened, as well as a new student admission standards should be established. In the context of the establishment of a new school culture must be eliminated. In pekewuh ewuh-establishment of the new school rules commonly socialized, similar school at the same level of at least 5 km away. But the facts in the field to deviate from these provisions. In the writer within 5 miles there are five institutions with the same type and level. There are even schools That face to face so That competition is very tight. Regulation in the new admissions should also be tight, it should start stealing is prohibited. This ambiguity does not result in unequal potential Learners in schools, in Addition to inter-agency Jealousy That leads to unfair competition. With affirmative action regulations and practices do not deviate That I'm sure the disparity of education would be reduced.

Noble or General

       All had been advised that the education is not free from kastanisasi. In contrast to the colonial era where kastanisasi really a dichotomy between the aristocratic schools and school people, kastanisasi education in this day and age more in a matter of economic status. Then the school is a school that appears ordinary and elite schools, the school children of the rich.
Kastanisasi outbreak could not be separated from thinking of education commodification of education. Education has been included in the market. as in the emerging markets in general demand, supply, and economic principles is a sure thing. everything is measured by profits behind the symbols of service and learning achievement.
        symbols or educational institution better known as the labeling of education is the instrument itself is the main attraction for prospective students and parents. Label RSSN, RSBI, and SBI as if a level of quality assurance as well as a separate caste. parents will feel proud if their children get the education that caste. the higher castes are more proud of the selected parents. on the label what school their children as well as a picture of the economic level of parents. parents of students seems to have occupied the caste "noble" and would feel if their children attend school bourgeoisie elite.
        Kastanisasi education do in fact backed up by the government. Indicator is the assistance provided by the government with respect to the status of the school or the label. SBI schools obtain greater assistance than other schools because SBI is the highest caste. And the edges are metamorphosed busy school administrators to change the caste school And what about the other schools that do not have a label?. The schools are categorized as ordinary schools is also not standing still. regular school makes its own label. there is a so-called integrated schools, plus schools, and so forth. these schools claim to be a superior school. kastanisasi school boxing true potential as a human learner students. School students who feel a high caste elite schools and students in ordinary schools felt marginalized.
          Recognized or not the gap between elite schools and regular schools is so obvious visible. can be easily seen from the large amount of money to go to school and tuition each month. elite school tuition at the high school level can be used to fund the school for three years in high school with mediocre category.with this reality so that everyone can measure themselves when going to send their children. educational praxis now is like a play ludruk noble or common.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Take Coffe and Leave Facebook

a sunny day, as usual i left for college.
a sunny day , a cup of caffe to welcome my arrival.
some of the cegarrete rod lying on the table.
good day of love, a voice came out of now here.
good day lie, answer came too.
maybe from the cloud which occasional covered the sun.
i joined with friends who sit on the terras of mbah doel soerya coffe shop,while looking at passing vehicles in and out of the campus.
suddenly one of my friend laugh, for some reason,grabbed his hand and drank coffe, while his eyes were closed.
This day stretched,day that brought a new freshness.he hissed.
In the middle we enjoyed of teh day, suddenly my friend himled to himself as he looked at mobile phone,obvious he was open facebook.
Mood isn’t warm anymore because on the other friend hates facebook and told him to shut down facebook.
I don’t know, no explanation, only his eyes shone a lot of thing.
I started wondering why he hate facebook. I don’t hate faacebook! Finally he started to answer. Facebook is a real headache, just update lebay,cheesy seduction,adultery and cheap gossip.
Hmmmm,not different with my expectation,why did he throw away facebook of his head.
Perhaps this is why he creates his own space in his head.
The space he can fill his desire.
Certainly begins with a cup of coffe,because coffe is always giving love,meaning,inspiration and never lie.facebook is the conten of update lebay,cheesy seduction,adultery and cheap gossip.
Take coffe and leave facebook. He hissed.  as he left a cup of caffe.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

profesi guru berkarakter



Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas
Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia

Didik Calistio Handoko
NIM : 10331491


1.1. . Latar Belakang
Sudah menjadi pengetahuan umum bahwa Pendidikan adalah suatu bentuk investasi jangka panjang yang penting bagi seorang manusia. Pendidikan yang berhasil akan menciptakan manusia yang pantas dan berkelayakan di masyarakat serta tidak menyusahkan orang lain. guru-guru pada umumnya sudah menyadari betapa besar pengaruh terpendam yang mereka miliki terhadap pembinaan kepribadian peserta didik.
Dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan mengenai pengertian profesi guru, fungsi guru, guru yang berkarakter serta beberapa karakteristik seorang guru pada umumnya
1.2. Rumusan masalah
Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut :
1.2.1. Apa pengertian profesi keguruan ?
1.2.2. Apa fungsi guru ?
1.2.3. Apa tugas guru?
1.2.4. Apa itu guru berkarakter ?
1.2.5. Apa saja karakteristik guru ?
1.3. Tujuan
Makalah ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas pada mata kuliah profesi keguruan dan membantu memberikan informasi pengetahuan khususnya dibidang pendidikan

1.4. Manfaat
Hasil dari penulisan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada semua pihak, khususnya kepada calon pendidik yang telah membaca makalah ini. tentunya manfaat dari tujuan yang sudah ada dalam makalah ini.

2.1. Kajian teori
2.1.1. Profesi Guru
Guru adalah salah satu profesi untuk memberikan pendidikan bagi didikannya yang mana pada pelaksanaan tugasnya memerlukan keahlian. pada dasarnya profesi guru adalah profesi yang sedang tumbuh. profesi guru harus memiliki kompetensi seperti kompetensi profesional, personal dan sosial.
Inilah beberapa pendapat mengenai pengertian profesi keguruan :
1. Menurut Kartadinatap, profesi guru adalah orang yang Memiliki latar belakang pendidikan keguruan yang memadai, keahlian guru dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kependidikan diperoleh setelah menempuh pendidikan keguruan tertentu, dan kemampuan tersebut tidak dimiliki oleh warga masyarakat pada umumnya yang tidak pernah mengikuti pendidikan keguruan.
2. Menurut Makagiansar, M. 1996 profesi guru adalah orang yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan keguruan yang memadai, keahlian guru dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kependidikan diperoleh setelah menempuh pendidikan keguruan tertentu.
3. Menurut Nasanius, Y. 1998 mengatakan profesi guru yaitu kemampuan yang tidak dimiliki oleh warga masyarakat pada umumnya yang tidak pernah mengikuti pendidikan keguruan. Ada beberapa peran yang dapat dilakukan guru sebagai tenaga pendidik, antara lain:
• sebagai pekerja membina dengan fungsi mengajar, membimbing dan melatih
• pekerja kemanusiaan dengan fungsi dapat merealisasikan seluruh kemampuan kemanusiaan yang dimiliki,
• sebagai petugas kemasyarakatan dengan fungsi mengajar dan mendidik masyarakat untuk menjadi warga membina yang baik.
4. Menurut Galbreath, J. 1999 profesi guru adalah orang yang bekerja atas panggilan hati nurani. dalam melaksanakan tugas pengabdian pada masyarakat hendaknya didasari atas dorongan atau panggilan hati nurani. sehingga guru akan merasa senang dalam melaksanakan tugas berat mencerdakan anak didik.
2.2. Ciri-ciri jabatan guru adalah sebagai berikut.
• Jabatan yang melibatkan kegiatan intelektual.
• Jabatan yang menggeluti suatu batang tubuh ilmu yang khusus.
• Jabatan yang memerlukan persiapan profesional yang lama (dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan yang memerlukan latihan umum belaka).
• Jabatan yang memerlukan latihan dalam jabatan yang berkesinambungan.
• Jabatan yang menjanjikan karier hidup dan keanggotaan yang permanen.
• Jabatan yang menentukan baku (standarnya) sendiri.
• Jabatan yang lebih mementingkan layanan di atas keuntungan pribadi.
• Jabatan yang mempunyai organisasi profesional yang kuat dan terjalin erat.
Jabatan guru dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya kebutuhan tenaga guru. kebutuhan ini meningkat dengan adanya lembaga pendidikan yang menghasilkan calon guru untuk menghasilkan guru yang profesional. pada masa sekarang ini LPTK menjadi satu-satunya lembaga yang menghasilkan guru. walaupun jabatan profesi guru belum dikatakan penuh, namun kondisi ini semakin membaik dengan peningkatan penghasilan guru, pengakuan profesi guru, organisasi profesi yang semakin baik, dan lembaga pendidikan yang menghasilkan tenaga guru sehingga ada sertifikasi guru melalui Akta Mengajar. organisasi profesi berfungsi untuk menyatukan gerak langkah anggota profesi dan untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas para anggotanya. setelah PGRI yang menjadi satu-satunya organisasi profesi guru di Indonesia, kemudian berkembang pula organisasi guru sejenis (MGMP).
2.3. Fungsi Guru
1. Fungsi pokok, melaksanakan tatap muka dengan siswa dengan segala implikasinya sehingga guru berwibawa mengantarkan siswa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan pendidikan sebagai-mana ditetapkan dalam tujuan pendidikan nasional
2. Fungsi profesi, dalam arti usaha-usaha mengaitkan profesinya sebagai guru dalam bentuk meningkatkan kemampuan baik secara formal maupun nonformal serta melakukan pengembangan profesi (seperti menulis, buku, melakukan penelitian ilmiah, menemukan metode pembelajaran, mengikuti penataran atau pelatihan guru, dan sejenisnya).
3. Selain tugas-tugas pokok dan tugas profesi, kepada guru juga dibebankan tugas-tugas tambahan yang bersifat pembinaan dan pengembangan kemampuan membina untuk membantu pengelolaan sekolah. tugas-tugas tambahan ini meliputi tugas tambahan menjadi wakil kepala sekolah, pembantu kepala sekolah bidang kurikulum, kesiswaan, sarana dan prasarana, serta hubungan masyarakat, tugas menjadi walikelas, tugas tambahan melatih dan membina kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.
4. Fungsi pembimbing dan membina dalam hal membina aktivitas siswa, bimbingan dan konseling, serta pengembangan moralitas dan etikasiswa.
5. Fungsi kemanusiaan dan kemasyarakatan, yakni segala aktivitas guru ditengah-tengah masyarakat dalam rangka mengamalkan ilmunya guna meningkatkan nilai-nilai keimanan secara kontekstual.
2.4. Tugas Guru
Daoed Yoesoef (1980) menyatakan bahwa seorang guru mempunyai tiga tugas pokok yaitu tugas profesional, tugas manusiawi, dan tugas kemasyarakatan (sivic mission). Jika dikaitkan pembahasan tentang kebudayaan, maka tugas pertama berkaitan dengar logika dan estetika, tugas kedua dan ketiga berkaitan dengan etika.

2.4.1. Tugas profesional
Tugas profesional dari seorang guru yaitu meneruskan atau transmisi ilmu pengetahuan, keterampilan dan nilai-nilai lain yang sejenis yang belum diketahui anak dan seharusnya diketahui oleh anak.
2.4.2. Tugas Manusiawi
Tugas manusiawi adalah tugas-tugas membantu anak didik agar dapat memenuhi tugas-tugas utama dan manusia kelak dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tugas-tugas manusiawi itu adalah transformasi diri, identifikasi diri sendiri dan pengertian tentang diri sendiri.
Usaha membantu kearah ini seharusnya diberikan dalam rangka pengertian bahwa manusia hidup dalam satu unit organik dalam keseluruhan integralitasnya seperti yang telah digambarkan di atas. Hal ini berarti bahwa tugas pertama dan kedua harus dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh dan terpadu. Guru seharusnya dengan melalui pendidikan mampu membantu anak didik untuk mengembangkan daya berpikir atau penalaran sedemikian rupa sehingga mampu untuk turut serta secara kreatif dalam proses transformasi kebudayaan ke arah keadaban demi perbaikan hidupnya sendiri dan kehidupan seluruh masyarakat di mana dia hidup.
2.4.3. Tugas Kemasyarakatan
Tugas kemasyarakatan merupakan konsekuensi guru sebagai warga negara yang baik, turut mengemban dan melaksanakan apa-apa yang telah digariskan oleh bangsa dan negara lewat UUD 1945 dan GBHN.
Ketiga tugas guru itu harus dilaksanakan secara bersama-sama dalam kesatuan organis harmonis dan dinamis. Seorang guru tidak hanya mengajar di dalam kelas saja tetapi seorang guru harus mampu menjadi katalisator, motivator dan dinamisator pembangunan tempat di mana ia bertempat tinggal.

2.5. Guru yang Berkarakter
Guru berkarakter sesungguhnya bukanlah sesuatu yang bersifat to be or not to be, melainkan a process of becoming. menjadi guru berkarakter adalah orang yang siap untuk terus menerus meninjau arah hidup dan kehidupannya serta menjadikan profesi guru sebagai suatu kesadaran akan panggilan hidup. guru berkarakter senantiasa berusaha dan berjuang mengembangkan aneka potensi kecerdasan yang dimilikinya.

2.5.1. Karakteristik Guru
Dibawah ini akan dipaparkan beberapa karakteristik guru.
a) Guru Teladan
Guru harus menjadi teladan siswa-siswa dalam segala perkataan, perbuatan dan prilaku. guru harus selalu jujur, adil, berkata yang baik, dan memberi nasihat serta pengarahan kepada anak didik. dibawah ini adalah langkah-langkah agar menjadi sosok guru teladan di mata para peserta didik.
• Jangan hanya mendidik dengan kata-kata, namun yang lebih utama adalah contoh sikap dari sang guru. guru adalah contoh teladan. contoh yang paling efektif adalah contoh sikap, bukan hanya bicara. guru akan sangat dinilai sikap prilakunya oleh para siswa. jika ingin para siswa suka pada anda, perbaiki lah sikap-sikap buruk anda.
• Menjaga tutur kata dan bahasa. mendidiklah dengan kelembutan dan kebijaksanaan. bukan kebengisan maupun kediktatoran. manakah yang lebih anda sukai antara ditakuti dan disegani? disegani lebih terhormat dari pada ditakuti. segan bisa muncul sebagai dampak dari kebijaksanaan sikap-sikap anda. namun takut merupakan efek dari prilaku sebaliknya.
• Jadilah guru yang berprestasi. jika anda seorang endidik, usahakan anda memiliki prestasi yang lebih baik dan dapat dibanggakan terhadap hal yang anda ajarkan. misalkan anda seorang guru seni, maka anda juga dituntut memiliki prestasi yang baik di dunia Seni.
b) Guru Profesional
Menguasai materi pelajaran dengan matang melebihi siswa-siswanya dan mampu memberikan pemahaman kepada mereka secara baik. guru harus memiliki kesiapan alami (fitrah) untuk menjalani proses mengajar, seperti pemikiran yang lurus, bashirah yang jernih, tidak melamun, berpandangan jauh ke depan, cepat tanggap, dan dapat mengambil tindakan yang tepat pada saat-saat kritis. guru harus menguasai cara-cara mengajar dan menjelaskan. dia mesti menelaah buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan bidang studi yang diajarkannya. sebelum memasuki pelajaran, guru harus siap secara mental, fisik, waktu dan ilmu (materi). maksud kesiapan mental dan fisik adalah tidak mengisi pelajaran dalam keadaan perasaan yang kacau, malas ataupun lapar. Kesiapan waktu adalah dia mengisi pelajaran itu dengan jiwa yang tenang, tidak menghitung tiap detik yang berlalu, tidak menanti-nanti waktu usainya atau menginginkan para siswa membaca sendiri tanpa diterangkan maksudnya, atau menghabiskan jam pelajaran dengan hal-hal yang tidak ada gunanya bagi siswa. sedangkan maksud kesiapan ilmu adalah dia menyiapkan materi pelajaran sebelum masuk kelas. dia menyiapkan apa yang dikatakannya. sebiasa mungkin, dia menghindari spontanitas dalam mengajar jika tidak menguasai materinya
Beberapa komponen kompetensi profesional guru adalah berikut ini:
• Penguasaan bahan pelajaran beserta konsep-konsep.
• Pengelolaan program belajar-mengajar.
• Pengelolaan kelas.
• Pengelolaan dan penggunaan media serta sumber belajar.
• Penguasaan landasan-landasan kependidikan.
• Kemampuan menilai prestasi belajar-mengajar.
• Memahami prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan lembaga dan program pendidikan di sekolah.
• Menguasai metode berpikir.
• Meningkatkan kemampuan dan menjalankan misi profesional.
• Memberikan bantuan dan bimbingan kepada peserta didik.
• Memiliki wawasan tentang penelitian pendidikan.
• Mampu menyelenggarakan penelitian sederhana untuk keperluan pengajaran.
• Mampu memahami karakteristik peserta didik.
• Mampu menyelenggarakan Administrasi Sekolah.
• Memiliki wawasan tentang inovasi pendidikan.
• Berani mengambil keputusan.
• Memahami kurikulum dan perkembangannya.
• Mampu bekerja berencana dan terprogram.
• Mampu menggunakan waktu secara tepat.

c) Guru Efektif
Guru yang efektif adalah guru yang biasa memotivasi peserta didik untuk belajar dan meningkatkan semangat belajar yang tumbuh dari kesadaran diri peserta didik, bukan karena takut pada gurunya.
Ada beberapa ciri guru efektif, diantaranya:
• Berpikir, bertutur, dan berbuat secara positif.
• Berkomunikasi dengan minat dan antusias.
• Perhatian terhadap peserta didik yang diajak bicara.
• Mengungkapkan pertanyaan, arahan, dan pernyataan dengan jelas.
• Menggunakan berbagai metode pengajaran.
• Memanfaatkan humor agar suasana kelas menarik.
• Tenang dalam menghadapi masalah.
• Menghidari perilaku marah yang berlebihan.
d) Guru Ikhlas
Guru yang setiap harinya selalu berdedikasi untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa tanpa pamrih. guru yang tidak terlalu terganggu dengan besar kecinya gaji, guru yang tidak terlalu menuntut fasilitas lebih karena dalam benaknya semua yang ada disekitarnya merupakan fasilitas bagi pengajarannya. guru dengan tipe ini selalu memperhatikan perkembangan siswanya, sehingga setiap perbuatan yang dilakukannya selalu didasari pertanyaan " dapatkah siswa saya melaksanakannya.

3.1. Kesimpulan
Dari makalah ini dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Guru adalah salah satu profesi untuk memberikan pendidikan bagi didikannya yang mana pada pelaksanaan tugasnya memerlukan keahlian. ada banyak sekali fungsi seorang guru, tidak hanya fungsi pokok yaitu untuk memberikan proses belajar mengajar tapi juga ada fungsi profesi, fungsi tambahan, fungsi pembimbing, fungsi kemanusiaan.
Guru berkarakter adalah orang yang siap untuk terus menerus meninjau arah hidup dan kehidupannya serta menjadikan profesi guru sebagai suatu kesadaran akan panggilan hidup. ada beberapa karakteristik seorang guru, yaitu guru teladan, guru professional, guru efektif dan kreatif dan guru ikhlas.
3.2. Saran
Sebagai seorang guru kita harus menjaga etika profesi. tidak silap uang karena suatu pendidikan bukan suatu sarana untuk menciptakan uang karena para orang tua mulai tidak percaya dengan suatu lembaga pendidikan. mari menjadi guru yang professional dengan meningkatkan kompetensi profesional,personal maupun sosial. Selain menjaga etika profesi alangkah baiknya sebagai guru selalu menjaga karakteristik guru karena dimanapun juga seorang guru selalu menjadi panutan.