SUGENG RAWUH asalcoret

Friday, 4 May 2012

essay corruption in education

     Corruption is a serious threat to any country. tragically more corruption in the country have been included in every niche of life.the executive, legislative, judicial and even that should be the ones to deal with the problem of corruption is not uncommon to be a nest of corruption.what about corruption in educational institutions?.
      My friends at school often makes statements that (sorry) according to the authors a bit narcissistic. for example, claimed that the perpetrators of education in schools is not possible because there was no graft and corruption. Statement, "Do not corrupt the chalk, the only time corruption ', a statement which is often expressed by peers at school. Is this true?. Is it true that the school is still a moral force?. Is it true that the school is really white area that is free from corruption?.answering these questions will not be easy. Without knowing the terminology of corruption will certainly provide answers uncertain. form of corruption in educational institutions is very varied, often not realized by the actors. for example, parents gifts to teachers to "simplify" the child, leakage of exam questions or answer keys, lobbying with bribes to obtain assistance or budgetary allocation of government funds, bribes for certain positions, bribes to facilitate the operating permit the new school, and a bribe to facilitate the accreditation of schools. Perpetrators of corruption bribes are often viewed as part of service .models of corruption in educational institutions is difficult to stop because of the mode is different from other institutions that corruption in the mode most of the budget fraud. Education instituted apparent corruption, and actually contain a higher hazard potential. if corruption is only detrimental to the state budget in the form of money, corruption in educational institutions and non-economic harm such as damaging the economy and undermine students' mental future students.corruption in education was very harmful for endangering the future of social, economic, and political corruption in a nation as educational institutions over the long term impact, threatening the equality of access, quantity and quality of education, perceived by poor people because of the closing of access to education is quality so that poor kids get out of poverty.
     See the impact that much more dangerous than other corruption, corruption in educational institutions should be dealt with seriously. If not the same as creating a new corrupt candidates either overt or covert.whatever the reason, corruption in educational institutions should be reduced, if it can be cleaned completely due to the impact of long-term harm. all parties become stakeholders in education must be critical and proactive in fighting corruption in educational institutions.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Essay Disparities Education

       More real education gap we encountered. not from the geographical perspective between East and West Indonesia Indonesia is often in discussing, but the gap is now closer distance, between the school and on the Outskirts of town in a region, between the labeled and unlabeled, Among species or clumps of education, Between the foundation or fight each other in acquiring new students.
        Educational disparities not only indicate that kastanisasi true education, but also a lack of appreciation of policy makers and education managers, the school's existence. gaps that can be easily seen with the naked eye how the schools are regarded as gods in building intellectual community helper son. Educators tend to choose the educational institution with a higher caste with the assumption that additional incentives will be linear with a grade school. Disparities in education will be more apparent if we look at the school in the suburbs. At the level of SD / MI and SMP / MTs in the suburbs, especially the private schools start trouble getting new students. the emergence of many foundations that establish educational institutions became the primary source of sharpening competition in getting school students. Understandably, the existence of private schools depend on the number of students, a growing number of students who obtained the more funds will be obtained .. A lot of management education has been a guerrilla for wooing prospective new students before graduation was announced. With banners, promo to school, and the even more tragic is the door to door with the lure of a free school, brought the uniform, and do not forget to also wooed and persuaded his parents to school it manages. There are even schools that appreciate a student with a bonus of Rp 20,000, - to Rp 50.000, - to individuals who contributed to enroll prospective students into educational institutions under its management. At the level of SMP / MTs worse, school administrators have had to calculate the pros and cons to spend money on promotion. Gains and losses are based on the BOS funds will be received. Not to mention the impact to the front, if the student is expected to raise as much so that many of them from government agencies. With a variety of propaganda, of parents in the suburbs is easy to be tempted, advised the school to get a little free plus facilities such as uniforms and books will ease the economic burden that is increasingly severe. Unlike the parents of students who have upper-middle-class economy, persuasion it will not work because they choose expensive school, labeled and have a high caste because they can afford Shyly we realize that the sphere of education has been practicing capitalism.
     Disparities in education of any nature is not good sign for the continuation of educational institutions in the country Air. Policies makers need to take strategic steps to break down and Reduced-these disparities. Establishment of the new school regulation must be tightened, as well as a new student admission standards should be established. In the context of the establishment of a new school culture must be eliminated. In pekewuh ewuh-establishment of the new school rules commonly socialized, similar school at the same level of at least 5 km away. But the facts in the field to deviate from these provisions. In the writer within 5 miles there are five institutions with the same type and level. There are even schools That face to face so That competition is very tight. Regulation in the new admissions should also be tight, it should start stealing is prohibited. This ambiguity does not result in unequal potential Learners in schools, in Addition to inter-agency Jealousy That leads to unfair competition. With affirmative action regulations and practices do not deviate That I'm sure the disparity of education would be reduced.