SUGENG RAWUH asalcoret

Friday, 24 December 2010

hortatory exposition GLOBAL WARMING

Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases by using the technology, know-how, and practical solutions already at our disposal.

Tropical deforestation is the largest source of emissions for many developing countries, but slowing deforestation can't solve the climate problem by itself. As forest-rich developing countries step up to take responsibility for reducing their emissions, all industrialized nations should not only support their efforts but, most importantly, reduce their own emissions and lead efforts to avert dangerous climate change.

For years we have heard so much about the causes of climate change, that we’ve missed the fact that there are simple, practical solutions that can slow this growing problem. Technologies exist today that can cut emissions of heat-trapping gases and make a real difference in the health of our planet. And these solutions will be good for our economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and enhance our energy security.

Global warming doesn’t just mean balmy February days in northern climes. It also means increasingly hot days in the summer, and a host of negative impacts that are already under way and are expected to intensify in the
coming decades.

-More heat waves will likely increase the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths.

-Cities and towns along the nation's major rivers will experience more severe and frequent flooding.

-Some areas will likely experience more extensive and prolonged droughts.

-Some of our favorite coastal and low-lying vacation areas, such as parts of the Florida Keys and Cape Cod, will be much less appealing as sea levels rise, dunes erode, and the areas become more vulnerable to coastal storms.

-Many families and businesses, who have made their living from fishing, farming, and tourism could lose their livelihoods, and others who love hunting, boating, skiing, birdwatching, and just relaxing near lakes, streams, and wetlands will see some of their favorite places irretrievably changed.

The solutions to climate change are here and it's time we put them to use. If we get started today we can tackle this problem and decrease the unpleasant outcomes that await us if we do nothing. The steps we need to take are common sense. And, more often than not, they will save consumers money. The cost of inaction, however, is unacceptably high.

The scientific consensus is in. Our planet is warming, and we are helping make it happen by adding more heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), to the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuel (oil, coal, and natural gas) alone accounts for about 75 percent of annual CO2 emissions from human activities. Deforestation—the cutting and burning of forests that trap and store carbon—accounts for about another 20 percent.

Procrastination is not an option. Scientists agree that if we wait 10, 20, or 50 years, the problem will be much more difficult to address and the consequences for us will be that much more serious.

We're treating our atmosphere like we once did our rivers. We used to dump waste thoughtlessly into our waterways, believing that they were infinite in their capacity to hold rubbish. But when entire fisheries were poisoned and rivers began to catch fire, we realized what a horrible mistake that was.

Our atmosphere has limits too. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years. The longer we keep polluting, the longer it will take to recover and the more irreversible damage will be done.

Fuel-efficient vehicles. Renewable energy. Protecting threatened forests. These common sense solutions won't only reduce global warming, many will save us money and create new business opportunities.

Best of all, these solutions exist now. We just need to insist that business and government take the necessary steps to make them available and affordable. Then we have to let consumers know what to do and provide incentives to help all of us make better choices.

The following five sensible steps are available today and can have an enormous impact on the problem CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years.

Global warming is the world problem that must be solve. The causes of global warming are over emission of carbon dioxide (Co2) and deforestation. The effect are clime changed,more heat waves that increase heat-related illnesses and death, more frequent flooding , long drought, the coast area more vulnerable to coastal storm,the farmers & sailor lose their income source, and irretrievably changed in wetlands. The solutions of this problems are decrease emissions of carbon dioxide (C02), use the fuel-efficient vehicles, renewable energy, protecting threateded forest. Expecially for business and goverment ,they should take the best way to make them (above) available and affordable, and as consumers must know what to do and give opinion to make better choices to solve this problem.

Paragraph 1st
Main idea : The way to keep our health and economic from Global warming.
Supporting detail: The way to keep our health and economic from Global warming. We must cutback our emissions of heat-trapping gasses.
Paragraph 2nd
Main idea : Cutting forests makes the climate change.
Suporting detail: Cutting forests makes the climate change.Goverment and business must give solutions.
Paragraph 3th
Main idea : Tecnologies help us decrease growing of climate change.
Supporting detail: Tecnologies help us decrease growing of climate change. It will be give good impact to our ecomonic, cutback our dependence on oil and safety our energy.
Paragraph 4th - 6th
Main idea : The negative live impacts of global warming.
Supporting detail: The negative impacts of global warming. More heat waves increase the risk of heat-related illness and deaths,the rivers will frequent flooding, more extensive and long droughts, the coastal and low laying areas more vulnerable to coastal storms, farmer, sailor, and tourism businesss lose their income source and irretriavably changed in some wetlands.
Paragraph 7th
Main idea : common sense is the solutions to climate change.
Supporting detail: common sense is the solutions to climate change.we must start it today.
Paragraph 8th
Main idea : Presentation of global warming makers.
Supporting detail: presentation of global warming makers.the burning of fossil fuel and human activites accounts for about 75%,20% from deforestation and 5% from the other.
Paragraph 9th-11th
Main idea : solving problem have to do now.
Supporting detail: solving problem have to do now.we might not pospone it longer again.cause,if the longer we keeping polluting,the longer it will take to recoover and the more irreversible damage will be done.
Paragraph 12th-14th
Main idea : the solutions to solve global warming.
Supporting detail: the solutions to solve global warming.these are fuel – efficient vehicles,renewable energi, protecting threatened forests.And espesially for government and business, they should give the best way,and we as consumer have to know what must we do and give opinion to solve this problem.

mengapa film komedi horor kian menjamur?

inilah pengakuan seorang sutradara mengenai fenomena film komedi horor yang kian menjamur.

Belakangan ini, layar lebar Indonesia banyak dipenuhi oleh film bertema horor komedi yang kadang 'dibumbui' oleh adegan syur para pemainnya.

Mulai dari 'Suster Keramas', 'Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan' hingga yang baru-baru ini muncul yakni film 'Kain Kafan Perawan'. Tema-tema tersebut kian menjamur dan menjadi tren. Seolah tak ada tema lain yang lebih menarik untuk diangkat. Mengapa?

Sutradara film 'Suster Keramas', Helfi C.H. Kardit rupanya punya alasan sendiri. “Kendala budget menjadi masalah awal. Kalau dibandingkan dengan film Hollywood misalnya, berbeda jauh. Disana support untuk dana besar tak masalah. Kalau disini mencari Rp 2 milyar saja sudah harus putar otak,” ungkap Helfi Kardit saat dihubungi VIVAnews, Sabtu 27 Februari 2010.

Untuk membuat sebuah produksi film, dibutuhkan modal besar. Pencarian modal tersebut, diakui Helfi, tidaklah mudah. Belum lagi pajak yang dibebankan disektor film yang dinilai sangat tinggi. "Bayangkan, mencari modal awal saja sudah susah, apalagi mengembalikannya bukan?" keluhnya.

Sebagai seorang sutradara, ia ingin agar industri perfilman bisa lebih produktif. Tentunya, tak melulu hanya mrmbuat film bertemakan komedi horor. "Namanya sutradara, harusnya bisa bikin film apa aja," tuturnya.

Lelaki kelahiran Padang ini mengaku baru sekali membuat film 'berbumbu' seks, yakni 'Suster Keramas' yang dibintangi oleh bintang panas asal Jepang, Rin Sakuragi. Film yang dirilis sejak 31 Desember 2009 silam itu berhasil meraup 800.000 penonton. Helfi mengakui bahwa untuk membuat sebuah film dibutuhkan sebuah ide kreatif.

"Kalaupun ada elemen seks didalamnya, hanyalah bumbu semata dan bukan faktor utama, toh saya sudah minta pada pihak bioskop untuk memproteksi bahwa film itu untuk kategori dewasa, itu bagian dari tanggung jawab moral saya, jadi jangan dipikir cuma mengejar materi," tangkis Helfi.

Film horor acapkali mendapat hujatan dari masyarakat. Helfi pun tak menampiknya. Baginya sebuah kreatifitas itu bisa maju karena kritikan. "Tapi harusnya masyarakat bisa lebih dewasa dalam berfikir. Pemerintah juga harus bisa menetapkan batasan yang jelas dalam pornografi," ujar sutradara yang memulai debutnya empat tahun lalu ini.

Idealnya, pemerintah melalui Lembaga Sensor Film juga ikut andil dalam menjamurnya film-film tersebut. "Kan sudah ada LSF yang tugasnya menyensor, mereka harusnya bisa lebih tegas dan serius. Kami juga pasti menghargai apa yang sudah diputuskan oleh LSF," tuturnya.

Helfi menambahkan bahwa ia tak pernah menitikberatkan sebuah film dari sisi idealisme atau komersil. Baginya kedua sisi itu melebur ketika ia merasa enjoy dalam mengerjakan sebuah karya.

"Saya pernah membawa proposal film 'Perang Paderi'. Biaya yang dibutuhkan kira-kira Rp 20 milyar. Tapi investor pasti berpikir, kapan bisa balik biayanya? Begitulah, menyatukan antara kreatif dengan bisnis ternyata adalah hal yang sulit,” ujar Helfi.

"Saya juga pernah membuat film "Mengaku Rasul" dengan plot yang rumit dan akhirnya gagal di pasaran, dan akhirnya produser kehilangan sekian rupiah yang menjadi beban moral buat saya. Sayang juga kalau industri ini malah mati lagi, pasti akan banyak tenaga kerja yang terbuang. Saya yakin ke depannya pasti ada jalan yang terbaik untuk industri film secara utuh," imbuhnya.

Helfi C.H. Kardit memulai debutnya lewat film 'Hantu Bangku Kosong'. Ia pernah menyutradarai 'Arisan Berondong' (2010), 'Suster Keramas' (2009) dan 'Lantai 13'. Rencananya Helfi akan membuat sebuah film berjudul 'True Love' yang mengangkat tema cinta dari sudut pandang yang gelap.