Austin distinguish three things in every speech act:
Locution is what is said, utterance
Ilocution is what the speaker intends to communicate to the addressee
Perlocution is the message that the addresee gets, his interpretation of what the speaker says
Konteks sebuah tuturan: aspek yg berhub ddengan lingkungan fisik dan sosial sebuah tuturan atau suatu pengetahuan latar belakangyang sama yang dimiliki oleh penutur dan petutur/mitra tutur
Tuturan sebagai produk tindak verbal
Assertive Utterances divided into two part; Indirect and direct uterances
Example Indirect: More plastics are made from soy beans, Direct (usually started with I or we and assertive verb) We declare that the most plastics are made from soy beans
A performative utterances is neither true nor false but its purpose is to make a part of the world conform to what is said. The verbs include bet, declare, baptize, name, nominate, and pronounce
Maxim of quantity requires the speaker to give as much information as the addressee need but no more
Maxim relevance requires us as speaker, to make our utterances relative to the discourse going on and the context in which they occur
Maxim manner is to be orderly and clear and to avoid ambiguity
Maxim of quality is to say only what one believe to be true.
Locution is what is said, utterance
Ilocution is what the speaker intends to communicate to the addressee
Perlocution is the message that the addresee gets, his interpretation of what the speaker says
- Aspek –aspek situasi Ujaran
Konteks sebuah tuturan: aspek yg berhub ddengan lingkungan fisik dan sosial sebuah tuturan atau suatu pengetahuan latar belakangyang sama yang dimiliki oleh penutur dan petutur/mitra tutur
- Tujuan tuturan
Tuturan sebagai produk tindak verbal
- Speech Act (Tindak Ujar)
Assertive Utterances divided into two part; Indirect and direct uterances
Example Indirect: More plastics are made from soy beans, Direct (usually started with I or we and assertive verb) We declare that the most plastics are made from soy beans
- Assertive verb
- Focus on information : announce, declare, disclose, explain, express, indicate, mention, proclaim, relate, report
- Focus on truth-value of utterance: affirm, allege, assert, certify, concede, guarantee, swear, attest, bet, claim, contend, maintain
- Focus on the speaker’s or involvement in what is reported: confide, deny, profess, and protest
- Focus on manner of communicating: emphasize, hint, imply, intimate, stress
- Focus on the nature of message: dictate, narrate, preach
- Focus on aspect: predict, recall
- Performative utterances
A performative utterances is neither true nor false but its purpose is to make a part of the world conform to what is said. The verbs include bet, declare, baptize, name, nominate, and pronounce
- Verdictive utterances
- Verdictive utterances are speech act in which the speaker makes an assessment or judgment about the acts of another usually addressee.
- The action is viewed positively: commend ….for, compliment…on, congratulate… for, honor… for, praise…for
- The action is beneficial to the speaker: thank for…, grateful to…for
- The action is viewed negatively: accuse…of, blame…for, admonish…for, criticize…for, scold…for, charge… with
- Expressive Utterances
- Directive utterances
- Command is effective if only the speaker has some degree of control over the action of the addressee
- A request is an expression of what the speaker wants to do or refrain from doing.
- Suggestion is utterances we make to other people to give our opinions as to what they should or should not do
- Commissive Utterances
- Phatic Utterances
- Maxim (maksim)
Maxim of quantity requires the speaker to give as much information as the addressee need but no more
Maxim relevance requires us as speaker, to make our utterances relative to the discourse going on and the context in which they occur
Maxim manner is to be orderly and clear and to avoid ambiguity
Maxim of quality is to say only what one believe to be true.