Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Sunday, 14 August 2011
99:01:9 Aku menghadap Tuhan
Meminta Venus dan Mars di dekatkan
Untuk mengimbangi panas Matahari
Lebih baik berbuat kebaikan dan tak mendapatkan ucapan
Terimakasih daripada berbuat salah tapi tak mendapat hukuman
Nilai kesenangan karena melihat orang lain senng lebih berharga
Daripada uang
99:03:4,8,9,13 awas, 14,18,24 awas-awas!,27
99”04,7,9,11,14,17,awas,awas,awas,23,25 awas X tenang, 28,30
99:05: May berarti semoga, mungkin dan boleh
Hatiku mulai tersudut diujung lorong keraguan
Konflik batin terus bergelora bagai magma
3, 11, 15, 20, 21, 28, 29: hancur siaga 1
99:05: Mendung kian kelabu
Aku masih ragu apa benar matahari berputar
Aku menyangsikan kebenaran itu dusta
Tapi aku tak meragukan kebenaran janji Tuhan
2,3,4 Bola salju bercampur dengan tanah longsor, 13 nyaris
Hancur lebur, 14, 17, 19, meledak, 20, 21 Merapi dihatiku
Meletus magma pijar mengali pohon-pohon hangus
Tapi esok tanahkan subur
22, 24, aku diAmbonkan, 25 beli cindera mata dapat cindera mata,
26 konstituante bubar: dekrit
99:07:22 kosong, 30?
99:08:4,7 rekonsiliasi tahap 1,9,13,15,17,21,23,24
Jajak pendapat dengan poros tengah, 28,29
What a poor men you are
Knowing that the moon has no light
But believing has because of its shine
Don’t you know it’s the sun which has light
Have you sight?
But who would think it the sun’s light
When the moon shines in the still of night
You can find the moon in the day
But you can’t find the sun at night
The day is the sun
But night isn’t always the moon
The sun is star
But star isn’t the sun
Yogya, 22-6-99
Aku sadar pagi menjadi siang
Siang menjadi senja
Senja menjadi gulita
Tapi aku juga tahu
Diakhir malam matahari kan bersinar
Disaat siang orang menahan lapar
Aku berdiri di ujung malam yang memudar
Merantaukan hati ke langit
Berbicara dengan Tuhan
Agar mawar berada dalam vasnya
Ombak berkali-kali menghampiri pantai
Karna waktu pantai terjal jadi landai
Ombak terus berciuman dengan bibir pantai
Sungguh pemandangan indah
Tapi memang malang nasib pantai
Datanglah para investor
Seolah-olah mereka ingin memperindah pantai
Dengan menjadikannya sebagai pelabuhan
Sebuah dermaga dengan menara menjulang
Tapi sayang
Magma dalam gunung di pantai itu bergolak
Tubuh gunung guncang meski permukaan tampak tenang
Perlahan daun-daun mengering berguguran
Pohon-pohon ranggas
Ranting-ranting berjatuhan
Rumput-rumput lunglai pucat pasi
Dan tiada pilihan lain selain menyemburkan awan panas
Sebalum perut gunung itu pecah
Lebih baik puncak gunung itu terpangkas
Dan menjadi kaldera yanh lebih panas daripada neraka
Daripada magma terus bergolak
Menggelegar di tengah malam
Saat aku tidur bermimpi telah berada di surga
Akhirnya menara rebah ke tanah
Dermaga pun tenggelam
Dan ombak menghempas keraguan
Hingga hanyut ke dasar samudra
Dalam setiap harapan ada ketakutan
Dan dalan setiap ketakutan ada harapan
Yogya, 22-6-99
Aku tidak menyangkal kau sangat berarti
Sebagaimana aku tidak menyangkal aksioma teorema pitagoras
Aku tak tahu....
Mungkin karena angin yang membawa suara-suara misterius
Atau karena hantu-hantu yang terbungkus pekatnya malam
Terus-menerus menteror mengacak-acak otakku
Sehingga lukisan “Monalisa” dengan senyum misterus
Tampak olehku sebagai lukisan abstrak
Para provokator mengatakan
Bila angin dari gunung bertiup ke lembah
Itu berarti temperatur di puncak gunung lebih panas
Angin hanya memberi isyarat
Tak akan angin mengataka turun ke lembah
Karena ingin tempat yang lebih dingin
Sebanarnya aku sudah senang
Dapt menikmati percikan cahaya bulan
Tapi mereka meyakinkanku
Aku bisa mendarat di bulan
Tinggal aku berani atau tidak terbang ke sana
Sejak itulah terjadi konflik batin mahahebat
Antara ego, superego, dan ID-ku tak seimbang
ID-ku mengatakan aku bisa saja ke bulan
Tapi egoku mengatakan mungkinkah itu?
Sedangkan superegoku mengatakan sebaiknya aku menahan diri
Mungkinkah aku terbang membelah langit
Dengan sayap yang telah patah sebelah
Sedangkan mereka yang dengan Apollo sebelas saja tak mampu mendarat lama di bulan
Akhirnya konflik mencapai klimak
Antara ego, superego, dan Id-ku yang saling bunuh
Tapi mereka tak bisa mati
Semakin sering dibunuh semakin kuat dan meraksasa
Aku tak rela sudut hatiku terus jadi ajang perang
Tiada pilihan selain mengakhirinya
Karna hanya dengan itu segala ketidakpastian, keraguan, dan kecemasan
Yang terkontaminasi harapan dan hasrat kan netral
Segelas madu bisa jadi memabukkan
Karna setetes racun
Ramuan itu mengantar ke dunia ambang batas yang tak jelas
Dan tiada obat selain menambahkan racun ke dalamnya
Karna dengan begitu ada kepastian
Meskipun ada luka di dalam duka
Tapi luka dan duka kan sembuh oleh waktu
Karna puncak kesenangan adalah awal duka
Puncak kesedihan adalah awal kebahagiaan
Yogya, 22-6-99
Dari data pada eksperiman di atasdapat disimpulkan bahwa Bola yang keras bila dibenturkan dengan keras ke lantai yang keras akan menghasilkan pantulan ke atas yang lebih tinggi daripada bila bola itu dilempar melambung ke udara
Artinya bahwa masalah besar akan menjadi kecil bila anda membenturkan masalah yang besar tadi ke masalah lain yang lebih besar.
Teori ini berlaku dalam kondisi ceteris paribus
Artinya bila keadaan anda adalah seseorang yang selalu tetap keras kepala menghadapi bencana
Teori ini juga bersifat substantif
Artinya hanya berlaku bila persyaratan seperti yang terjadi pada peneliti dapat dicapai
Amarah dan kekecewaan yang terorganisir bisa menghasilkan karya yang liar biasa
Kesedihan karena suatu peristiwa sebenarnya hanya dirasakan sekali saat mengalami secara riil peristiwa itu
A= motivasienergi amarah
B= energi amarah
C= kekecewaan
X= enargi bola pantul
D= harapan
C1= Cinta pada sesuatu
C2= cinta yang sesungguhnya terhadap sesuatu
Cn= cinta pada yang lain
Contoh soal
Diketahui X mencintai harta sebesar 80%
X juga mencintai wanita, tahta, anak, istri, dan tanah air
Dengan demikian sebenarnya X hanya mencintai harta sebesar 16%
Jadi bila aku bilang pada Nurani bahwa aku mencintainya 100% maka Nurani wajib tak percaya karena aku juga mencintai orang tua, Allah, cita-cita dan kebenaran
Maka nilai konstanta cinta saya pada Nurani sebenarnya hanya sebesar
Artinya bila aku mencintai Nurani sampai 100%
Maka aku akan ” melupakan” Allah, orang tua, cita-cita,dan kebenaran
Maka sebenarnya tidak ada cinta yang mencapai 100% untuk waktu yang lama
Karna tak ada orang yang hanya mencintai satu hal saja
Prosentase cinta bisa naik turun sesuai dengan gradasi cinta
Seseorang yang mengatakan cinta pada Allah dan Rosul tapi disaat yang sama ia juga mencintai harta, kedudukan, jabatan, wanita, pekerjaan, kehormatan, dll, maka sebenarnya bila orang itu orang awam maka ia sebenarnya hanya punya waktu amat sedikit untuk mengingat Allah
Cinta tak dapat diciptakan dan tak dapat dimusnahkan
Cinta hanya dapat ditransformasikan atau di konversikan ke bentuk lain
Pagi 18 septmber 1999 tampak cerah
Matahari terbit dengan perlahan namun mantap
Semantap langkah-langkah manuver pemimpin partai matahari yang kian panas menyangat
Mega-mega itu pilih diam mingikuti aliran angin yang bertiup dari bawah
Matahari sesaat menyoroti Lippogate
Semantara pohon-pohon beringin tetap ingin berdiri kokoh
Sulur-sulurnya menjuntai hingga ke tanah
Seolah-olah ingin menarik simpati rakyat bawah
Aku masih terduduk di ruang baca lantai 1 perpustakaan pusat
IKIP Yogyakarta yang kini telah bertriwikrama menjadi Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta
Di sisi utara ruang itu ada empat belas cendela
Begitu pula di sisi timur
Sedang di sisi barat ada delapan cendela
Tapi tak satupun terbuka
Sehingga angin kebebasan enggan bertiup masuk ruangan ini
Tak seperti di KPU
Di ruangan ini masih banyak kursi yang kosong
Tak ada yang rebutan kursi
Meski mereka sama-sama membayar SPP
Tapi bila kursi sudah penuh
Mereka memilih keluar saja
Siang hari 18 September 1999
Matahari memanggang perut bumi
Udara terasa panas sekali
Sepanas emosi milisi di Timor Timur yang menanti kehadiran
Pasukan Penjaga Perdamaian Interfet dua hari lagi
Matahari terbakar di bumi Indonesia
Bumi ini seakan menjadi bara
Tapi tada bara yang mampu membakar Bank Bali kecuali
Tapi Baramuli bisa jadi Baramulia
Bila ia bisa membakar angkara murka
Limapuluh satu tahun yang lalu Madiun berdarah
Trauma menghantui rakyat hingga kini
Sekarang Timor Timur tak jauh berbeda
Sebabnya hanya satu, “cinta” yang dipolitisir oleh avonturir cinta
Benarkah politik itu kejam dan jahat?
Apa tidak lebih biadab sistim kapitalis dalam berbisnis yang
Mengeksploitasi dan menghisap keringat kaum buruh demi
Kemakmuran si borjuis?
Tapi katanya politik itu seni
Seni itu katanya indah
Berarti untuk berpolitik orang harus mempunyai naluri rasa tinggi
Sehingga seimbang antara olah rasa dan olah pikir atau rasio
Asrat dan kemauan adalah tenaga tarbesar di bumi ini
Ia lebih berharga daripada uang atau kekuasaan atau pengaruh
Orang rela mati demi membela kemerdekaan
Karena dia yakin apa yang dia perjuangkan itu benar
Aku untuk berani menghadapi apa saja demi kebenaran dan
Bila aku di Lp cipinang maka aku akan senang
Kaaaaaaarna mereka memberiku kesempatan berduaan dengan
Bila aku di-Nusakambangan aku akan bahagia
Karna di sana aku bebas bersama “kekasihku”
Bila aku dieksekusi aku akan gembira
Karna itu berarti mempercepat perjumpaanku dengan
Yach ...... Aku masih menunggu apa yang terjadi tanggl 30
September nanti
Akankah ada kudeta cinta?
enja memerah di sebelah barat
Semerah darah milisi yang dibantai
Semerah nyala api yang menghanguskan Matahari
Semerah bibir nurani yang mengkaramkansukmaku
Andaikan manusia bisa memahami “Iqro”
Tentu ia bisa membaca alam
Tak perlu revolusi, kudeta, dan subversi
Suksesi dari siang ke malam begitu mulus dan indah
Suksesi dari malam ke pagi begitu tenang dan menyenangkan
Tanpa setetes darah
Karna raja siang rela tenggelam sesaat
Untuk esok terbit kembali
Rembulan pun memilih menghilang jika siang telah datang
Matahari dan rembulan tak pernah tamak
Bergerak berjalan sesuai konstitusi Tuhan
Tak ada yang menimbun cahaya
Tak ada yang mengkorupsi cahaya
Meski terkadang terjadi gerhana
Tapi itu bukan bencana
Pohon-pohon rindang masih menghijau di tepi kolam yang
Tak dalam di lembah UGM
Angin kering musim kemarau berhembus lirih
Membawa ketenangan ke dalam hatiku
Di sini di bawah pohon rindang aku merenung menulis karya ini
Meski aku suka berkarya di bawah pohon rindang
Tapi bukan berarti aku Golongan Karya
Kupotret suasana dan kupadukan dengan ide-ideku
Ide yang mengendap di kepala perlahan mengalir bercampur
Dengan tinta lalu tergoreskan diatas kertas
Aku masih terduduk menyendiri mengamati batang-batang pohon yang tumbuh liar
Di sebelah barat kolam ini tampak banyak orang berpasang-pasangan sedang asyik bercengkrama
Ada yang sambil duduk diatas motornya
Ada yang lebih suka berdiri sambil bersedekap menikmati hembusan angin segar
Ada yang asyik mesra di bawah pohon sambil sesekali melempar entah apa kearah tengah dalam kolam
Mereka semua taksadar kalau penaku sedang memotretnya
barangkali mereka juga tak tahu jika suatu saat mereka membaca karya ini sebenarnya orang yang ku diskripsika itu adalah mereka
mereka menyaksikan alam ini
alam ini menjadi saksi atas keasyikan ku menulis prosa liris ini
aku masih duduk termenung sambil mengguratkan pena
banyak orang menyalahkan pemarintah
tapi aku memahami mengapa hal itu terjadi
pemerintah tak melakukan pengkhianatan cinta
dulu Indonesia seolah-olah menolong Timor Timur dari perang saudara dengan menjadikanya sebagai “selir” ke-27
tapi percekcokan rumah tangga tiada berakhir yang akhirnya di akhiri dendan cerai
aku mengerti........
pro otonomi memperoleh kerugian nyata
pro kemerdekaan memperoleh kemenangan semu
inilah akibat kudeta cinta
andaikan dulu pemerintah Indonesia lebih arif dan bijak dengan membuat perjanjian antara prootonomi dan prokemerdekaan tentang konsekuensi dari jajak pendapat
tentu baik pihak yang kalah maupun yang menang akan menghormati perjanjian itu dan darah tak kan tertumpah ke tanah
bagi prootonomi berjuang mempertahankan keutuhan bangsa indonesia itulah nasionalisme
bagi pro kemerdekaan berjuang membebaskan tanah airnya dari advansi Indonesia itulah nasionalisme
mereka sama-sama benar, hanya berbeda dalam meliha hakekat cinta
dalam bercinta memang perlu perestorika dan glasnost
perestorika berarti dalam bercinta orang perlu menerapkan pemikiran baru untuk mengadakan pembaharuan dan pembauran cinta
dalam hal ini orang perlu mengadopsi ide-ide baru
glassnost berarti dalam bercinta orang perlu keterbukaan satu sama lain
keterbukaan ini bersifat multimediasional
keterbukaan bisa dalam arti, internal, eksternal, atau interpersonal
realisasi dari prinsip ini aku harus menerima kritikan ataupun pujian, atau hujatan dari Maharatri, Nurani dan Darling
ledakan metamorfosa cinta yang belum sempurna di bumi loro sae sebenarya terjadi karena proses metmorfose menuju cinta pada kemerdekaan yang terganggu
sehingga yang terjadi bukanya kupu-kupu yang indah tapi kupu-kupu yang masih berbentuk ulat yang menakutkan
sayangnya banyak pihak yang “nggege mangsa”
sehingga terjadilah ledakan emosi
dalam bercinta tak cukup dengan memberi otonomi
tak cukup dengan pembangunan fisik
tak cukup dengan otoriterisme militer karena mereka adalah manusia yang punya nurani, jiwa, rasio dan pikiran
Aku didemo oleh Nurani, Maharatri, dan Darling
Mereka menolak RUU PKB ( Penanggulangan Keadaan Bahaya)
Nurani bilang kalau PKB disyahkan akan terjadi junta cinta aku punya legitimasi untuk berbuat apa saja terhadap mereka atas nama stabilitas cinta
Maharatri berkomentar bila RUU PKB disyahkan akan menghambat geraknya
Karena aku bebas menerapkan jam malam
Aku bisa saja setiap saat menyatakan keadaan dalam kondisi “darurat cinta”
Darling bahkan mengancam akan memboikot sidang umum bila RUU PKB disyahkan
Dia malah meminta agar dirinya diberi hak istimewa dan otonomi yang diperluas
Dia juga menginginkan agar dia diberi hak menentukan nasibnya sendiri, membuat aturan untuk dirinya sendiri dan aku harus mengakui keberadaan peraturan itu
Dengan kata lain aku harus tunduk pada peraturannya
Lebih lanjut Nurani menuntut agar aku segera mengundurka diri jika tak segera melepaskan diri dari “commonwealth” orang tua
Tugas tambahan dari Mr.DION
Monday, 1 August 2011
Adjectives are often used without nouns.
To refer to some well-known groups of people
The structure the + adjective is used to talk about some well-known groups of people. Examples are: the blind, the deaf, the unemployed, the rich, the poor, the young, the old, the dead etc.
* He is collecting money for the blind. (= He is collecting money for blind people.)
* Blessed are the meek.
* The government should do something for the poor.
Note that these expressions are always plural. The blind means all blind people. Similarly, the dead means all dead people. Adjectives are not normally used in this way without the.
Blessed are the meek. (NOT Blessed are meek.)
These expressions cannot be used with a possessive ‘s.
The problems of the blind should be properly addressed. OR Blind people’s problems should be properly addressed. (NOT The blind’s problems should be properly addressed.)
In a few fixed phrases, the + adjective can have a singular meaning. Examples include: the accused, the former, the latter, the deceased etc.
* The accused was released on bail.
Note that plural meanings are also possible.
Abstract ideas
An adjective can be used after the to refer to some abstract quality or idea.
She doesn’t believe in the supernatural.
The future (= futurity) is unknown to us.
Adjectives of nationality
Some adjectives of nationality ending in -sh or -ch can be used after the without nouns. These adjectives include Irish, Welsh, English, British, Spanish, French etc.
The Irish are proud of their sense of humor.
Note that the expressions the Irish, the English etc., are plural.The singular equivalents are for example an Irishman or an Englishwoman.
The structure the + adjective is used to talk about some well-known groups of people. Examples are: the blind, the deaf, the unemployed, the rich, the poor, the young, the old, the dead etc.
* He is collecting money for the blind. (= He is collecting money for blind people.)
* Blessed are the meek.
* The government should do something for the poor.
Note that these expressions are always plural. The blind means all blind people. Similarly, the dead means all dead people. Adjectives are not normally used in this way without the.
Blessed are the meek. (NOT Blessed are meek.)
These expressions cannot be used with a possessive ‘s.
The problems of the blind should be properly addressed. OR Blind people’s problems should be properly addressed. (NOT The blind’s problems should be properly addressed.)
In a few fixed phrases, the + adjective can have a singular meaning. Examples include: the accused, the former, the latter, the deceased etc.
* The accused was released on bail.
Note that plural meanings are also possible.
Abstract ideas
An adjective can be used after the to refer to some abstract quality or idea.
She doesn’t believe in the supernatural.
The future (= futurity) is unknown to us.
Adjectives of nationality
Some adjectives of nationality ending in -sh or -ch can be used after the without nouns. These adjectives include Irish, Welsh, English, British, Spanish, French etc.
The Irish are proud of their sense of humor.
Note that the expressions the Irish, the English etc., are plural.The singular equivalents are for example an Irishman or an Englishwoman.
Grammar Rules
This is a quick, basic grammar review for nouns, verbs, and the sometimes confusing usage of lay versus lie, and rise versus raise. This reference can be used for term papers, grammar class reviews, or simply for anyone confused or curious about the basics of English grammar.
1. Noun identification
2. Count, Mass, and Collective Nouns
3. Plural and Possessive Nouns
Noun Identification
What is a noun? A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, animal, idea or activity.
For example:
Person — Maria
Place — Detroit
Thing — Desk
Quality — Width
Animal — Dog
Idea — Independence
Activity — Navigation
Spot the nouns in a sentence: Maria went into the city to purchase detergent.
Nouns: Person — Maria
Place — City
Thing — Detergent
The functions of nouns
Nouns sometimes function differently in sentences. For example:
Subject: Maria likes ice cream
Object of Preposition: He gave the ice cream to Maria
Subject complement: The best customer is Maria
Grammar vocabulary: Nominal means any word, or group of words, used as a noun. The nominal word used in the original noun example is Maria.
Types of Nouns
The names of specific things, places, and people, like Maria or Detroit, are Proper nouns.
General, colloquial names, like table or house are Common nouns. Common nouns can either be concrete, or abstract.
When an object is concrete i.e. you can see it and touch it, like a phone or a chair, it is a Concrete noun.
When it is a quality or idea, like freedom or justice, it is an Abstract noun.
Count Nouns
Count nouns are anything that can be counted. They are singular or plural. Plurals usually end with “s.”
Singular — Car
Plural — Cars
Singular — Chair
Plural — Chairs
Singular — Dog
Plural — Dogs
Irregular Examples
Singular — Mouse
Plural — Mice
Singular — Child
Plural — Children
Most nouns ending in s, sh, o, or ch need an -es suffix to be plural
Singular — Bus
Plural — Busses
Singular — Dish
Plural — Dishes
Singular — Potato
Plural — Potatoes
Singular — Church
Plural — Churches
Nouns ending in a consonant followed by y become plural by changing the y to i and adding -es
Singular — Mystery
Plural — Mysteries
Mass Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted and they usually do not have a plural form
Examples: Freedom, sand, money
Collective nouns refer to groups of people and/or things. Unlike mass nouns, they can usually be counted, so they usually have plural forms.
Singular — Staff
Plural — Staffs
Singular — Herd
Plural — Herds
Plural Nouns
Plural nouns are the nouns that have been changed into their plural states by adding -s or -es. Remember your irregular nouns, such as mice and children! They too are plural nouns.
Possessive Nouns
Nouns can be possessive and express ownership, usually following the use of “of.”
Example: The life of Maria
Most singular possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe and “s.” If the noun is plural, the possessive form becomes “s” and apostrophe.
Singular Common: Dog
Singular Possessive: Dog’s
Plural Common: Dogs
Singular Possessive: Dogs’
Exception: if the plural noun does not end with an “s,” the possessive is formed by adding apostrophe and “s.”
Singular Common: Woman
Singular Possessive: Woman’s
Plural Common: Women
Plural Possessive: Women’s
A pronoun takes the place of an unknown noun. The unknown noun is called the “antecedent.”
Example: Maria wondered if she was late for work.
Maria is the antecedent of “she.” Instead of saying: Maria wondered if Maria was late for work, “she” appears to take the place of “Maria.”
The Nine forms of Pronouns:
Personal, possessive, indefinite, reflexive, reciprocal, intensive, interrogative, relative, and demonstrative.
The pronoun must always agree with antecedent, so if the antecedent is male, the pronoun must be male, if the antecedent is plural, the pronoun must be plural, etc.
Correct: When Maria bought the detergent, she used her credit card.
Incorrect: When Maria bought the detergent, they used his credit card.
Pronoun Cases
Nominative Cases: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who
The nominative, or subjective, case pronoun is the subject of the sentence.
Examples: She went to the store.
Who has the book?
I am he.
This is she.
Objective Cases: Me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom
These function as direct or indirect objects.
We gave HER the bus money.
We gave IT to HER.
I don’t know to WHOM I speak.
The bag is with HER.
Possessive Cases: My, mine, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs, your, yours, whose
The possessive case pronoun shows possession
That is MY bag.
That bag is MINE.
HER bus was late.
The bags are all HERS.
Personal Pronouns can refer to the person/people speaking (First person,) spoken to (second person,) or spoken ABOUT (third person.)
First person subject singular: I
First person subject plural: We
First person object singular: me
First person object plural: us
Second person subject singular: you
Second person subject plural: you
Second person object singular: you
Second person object plural: you
Third person subject singular: he, she, it
Third person subject plural: they
Third person object singular: him, her, it
Third person object plural: them
Example: I wanted to give them to her, but he wouldn’t let me.
I — first person singular
Them — third person plural
Her — third person singular
He — third person singular
Me — first person singular
Possessive Pronouns
Like regular nouns, personal pronouns can also be possessive. Possessive Determiners are possessive forms of personal pronouns. Possessive Determiners must have a following noun.
First person determiner singular: MY (book)
First person determiner plural: OUR (book)
First person pronoun singular: Mine
First person pronoun plural Ours
Second person determiner singular: YOUR (book)
Second person determiner plural YOUR (book)
Second person pronoun singular: Yours
Second person pronoun plural: Yours
Third person determiner singular: IS, HER, ITS (book)
Third person determiner plural: THEIR (book)
Third person pronoun singular: His, hers, its
Third person pronoun plural: Theirs
Example: They have MY bags but they know they’re MINE.
My — Determiner, dependent on “Bags”
Mine– stands in place of “My bags.”
Indefinite Pronouns
These have no specific antecedents. These are usually identified with general words like: all, any, some, or none.
Singular: another, both, nobody, everything, nothing, somebody, everyone, no one, something, etc.
Plural: all, many, most, much, some
Examples: Somebody has her bags.
Plural: Everyone knows about Maria’s bags.
Indefinite pronouns are only pronouns if they are used ALONE. If they are used with a noun, they become indefinite adjectives.
Pronoun: Both knew they were Maria’s bags.
Adjective: Both baggers knew they were Maria’s bags.
If the subject performs actions TO or FOR itself, the action in the sentence passes BACK to the subject and becomes a reflexive pronoun.
First person singular: Myself
First person plural: Ourselves
Second person singular: Yourself
Second person plural: Yourselves
Third person singular: Himself/Herself/Itself
Third person plural: Themselves
Example: We asked OURSELVES where her bags were.
“We” is the doer and receiver of the action “ask.”
Intensive Pronouns are used to point back to the noun or pronoun for emphasis.
Example: I myself knew they were Maria’s bags.
The intensive pronoun does not always need to directly follow the noun.
Example: I prefer walking myself.
Reciprocal pronouns express mutual action.
Examples: each other/ each other’s
One another/one another’s
Maria and Heather greeted each other.
Interrogative Pronouns
These are used to ask questions and can be personal or non-personal
Personal subject: Who/Whoever
Personal object: Whom/Whomever
Personal possessive: Whose
Non-personal subject: Which
Non-personal subject: What
Who has the bags?
Which bagger has them?
Whose bags are these?
Demonstrative Pronouns
These substitute specific nouns, usually when someone is gesturing toward something.
Singular: This/That
Plural: These/Those
Example: These are for her.
A verb is an action part of speech. It can also express a state of being, or the relationship between two things. It is most powerful when following a noun. Example: He HIT her. Verbs are the most complicated part of speech because they can sometimes become nouns, depending on their use.
The three kinds of verbs: transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and linking verbs.
Transitive verbs
These take objects. Transitive verbs carry the action of subject and apply it to the object.
Example: She TOOK the bags.
Intransitive verbs
These do not take an object, but express actions that do not require the agent doing something to something else.
Example: She LEFT.
Linking verbs
These link the agent with the rest of the sentence and explain the link between the subject and the rest of the sentence.
Examples: appear, grow, seem, smell, taste
Example: Maria seems tired from shopping.
The Lay/Lie and Raise/Rise Confusion
These two pairs of verbs are constantly misused. In each, there is a transitive verb (TRV) and an intransitive verb (INV).
Lie — Intransitive, means recline or be situated
Lay — Transitive, means to place or put something
Rise — Intransitive, means to get up.
Raise — Transitive, means to lift something up.
Infinitive — INV: Lie
TRV: Lay
INV: Rise
TRV: Raise
Past Tense — Lie (Lay)
Raise (Raised)
1. Noun identification
2. Count, Mass, and Collective Nouns
3. Plural and Possessive Nouns
Noun Identification
What is a noun? A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, animal, idea or activity.
For example:
Person — Maria
Place — Detroit
Thing — Desk
Quality — Width
Animal — Dog
Idea — Independence
Activity — Navigation
Spot the nouns in a sentence: Maria went into the city to purchase detergent.
Nouns: Person — Maria
Place — City
Thing — Detergent
The functions of nouns
Nouns sometimes function differently in sentences. For example:
Subject: Maria likes ice cream
Object of Preposition: He gave the ice cream to Maria
Subject complement: The best customer is Maria
Grammar vocabulary: Nominal means any word, or group of words, used as a noun. The nominal word used in the original noun example is Maria.
Types of Nouns
The names of specific things, places, and people, like Maria or Detroit, are Proper nouns.
General, colloquial names, like table or house are Common nouns. Common nouns can either be concrete, or abstract.
When an object is concrete i.e. you can see it and touch it, like a phone or a chair, it is a Concrete noun.
When it is a quality or idea, like freedom or justice, it is an Abstract noun.
Count Nouns
Count nouns are anything that can be counted. They are singular or plural. Plurals usually end with “s.”
Singular — Car
Plural — Cars
Singular — Chair
Plural — Chairs
Singular — Dog
Plural — Dogs
Irregular Examples
Singular — Mouse
Plural — Mice
Singular — Child
Plural — Children
Most nouns ending in s, sh, o, or ch need an -es suffix to be plural
Singular — Bus
Plural — Busses
Singular — Dish
Plural — Dishes
Singular — Potato
Plural — Potatoes
Singular — Church
Plural — Churches
Nouns ending in a consonant followed by y become plural by changing the y to i and adding -es
Singular — Mystery
Plural — Mysteries
Mass Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted and they usually do not have a plural form
Examples: Freedom, sand, money
Collective nouns refer to groups of people and/or things. Unlike mass nouns, they can usually be counted, so they usually have plural forms.
Singular — Staff
Plural — Staffs
Singular — Herd
Plural — Herds
Plural Nouns
Plural nouns are the nouns that have been changed into their plural states by adding -s or -es. Remember your irregular nouns, such as mice and children! They too are plural nouns.
Possessive Nouns
Nouns can be possessive and express ownership, usually following the use of “of.”
Example: The life of Maria
Most singular possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe and “s.” If the noun is plural, the possessive form becomes “s” and apostrophe.
Singular Common: Dog
Singular Possessive: Dog’s
Plural Common: Dogs
Singular Possessive: Dogs’
Exception: if the plural noun does not end with an “s,” the possessive is formed by adding apostrophe and “s.”
Singular Common: Woman
Singular Possessive: Woman’s
Plural Common: Women
Plural Possessive: Women’s
A pronoun takes the place of an unknown noun. The unknown noun is called the “antecedent.”
Example: Maria wondered if she was late for work.
Maria is the antecedent of “she.” Instead of saying: Maria wondered if Maria was late for work, “she” appears to take the place of “Maria.”
The Nine forms of Pronouns:
Personal, possessive, indefinite, reflexive, reciprocal, intensive, interrogative, relative, and demonstrative.
The pronoun must always agree with antecedent, so if the antecedent is male, the pronoun must be male, if the antecedent is plural, the pronoun must be plural, etc.
Correct: When Maria bought the detergent, she used her credit card.
Incorrect: When Maria bought the detergent, they used his credit card.
Pronoun Cases
Nominative Cases: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who
The nominative, or subjective, case pronoun is the subject of the sentence.
Examples: She went to the store.
Who has the book?
I am he.
This is she.
Objective Cases: Me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom
These function as direct or indirect objects.
We gave HER the bus money.
We gave IT to HER.
I don’t know to WHOM I speak.
The bag is with HER.
Possessive Cases: My, mine, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs, your, yours, whose
The possessive case pronoun shows possession
That is MY bag.
That bag is MINE.
HER bus was late.
The bags are all HERS.
Personal Pronouns can refer to the person/people speaking (First person,) spoken to (second person,) or spoken ABOUT (third person.)
First person subject singular: I
First person subject plural: We
First person object singular: me
First person object plural: us
Second person subject singular: you
Second person subject plural: you
Second person object singular: you
Second person object plural: you
Third person subject singular: he, she, it
Third person subject plural: they
Third person object singular: him, her, it
Third person object plural: them
Example: I wanted to give them to her, but he wouldn’t let me.
I — first person singular
Them — third person plural
Her — third person singular
He — third person singular
Me — first person singular
Possessive Pronouns
Like regular nouns, personal pronouns can also be possessive. Possessive Determiners are possessive forms of personal pronouns. Possessive Determiners must have a following noun.
First person determiner singular: MY (book)
First person determiner plural: OUR (book)
First person pronoun singular: Mine
First person pronoun plural Ours
Second person determiner singular: YOUR (book)
Second person determiner plural YOUR (book)
Second person pronoun singular: Yours
Second person pronoun plural: Yours
Third person determiner singular: IS, HER, ITS (book)
Third person determiner plural: THEIR (book)
Third person pronoun singular: His, hers, its
Third person pronoun plural: Theirs
Example: They have MY bags but they know they’re MINE.
My — Determiner, dependent on “Bags”
Mine– stands in place of “My bags.”
Indefinite Pronouns
These have no specific antecedents. These are usually identified with general words like: all, any, some, or none.
Singular: another, both, nobody, everything, nothing, somebody, everyone, no one, something, etc.
Plural: all, many, most, much, some
Examples: Somebody has her bags.
Plural: Everyone knows about Maria’s bags.
Indefinite pronouns are only pronouns if they are used ALONE. If they are used with a noun, they become indefinite adjectives.
Pronoun: Both knew they were Maria’s bags.
Adjective: Both baggers knew they were Maria’s bags.
If the subject performs actions TO or FOR itself, the action in the sentence passes BACK to the subject and becomes a reflexive pronoun.
First person singular: Myself
First person plural: Ourselves
Second person singular: Yourself
Second person plural: Yourselves
Third person singular: Himself/Herself/Itself
Third person plural: Themselves
Example: We asked OURSELVES where her bags were.
“We” is the doer and receiver of the action “ask.”
Intensive Pronouns are used to point back to the noun or pronoun for emphasis.
Example: I myself knew they were Maria’s bags.
The intensive pronoun does not always need to directly follow the noun.
Example: I prefer walking myself.
Reciprocal pronouns express mutual action.
Examples: each other/ each other’s
One another/one another’s
Maria and Heather greeted each other.
Interrogative Pronouns
These are used to ask questions and can be personal or non-personal
Personal subject: Who/Whoever
Personal object: Whom/Whomever
Personal possessive: Whose
Non-personal subject: Which
Non-personal subject: What
Who has the bags?
Which bagger has them?
Whose bags are these?
Demonstrative Pronouns
These substitute specific nouns, usually when someone is gesturing toward something.
Singular: This/That
Plural: These/Those
Example: These are for her.
A verb is an action part of speech. It can also express a state of being, or the relationship between two things. It is most powerful when following a noun. Example: He HIT her. Verbs are the most complicated part of speech because they can sometimes become nouns, depending on their use.
The three kinds of verbs: transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and linking verbs.
Transitive verbs
These take objects. Transitive verbs carry the action of subject and apply it to the object.
Example: She TOOK the bags.
Intransitive verbs
These do not take an object, but express actions that do not require the agent doing something to something else.
Example: She LEFT.
Linking verbs
These link the agent with the rest of the sentence and explain the link between the subject and the rest of the sentence.
Examples: appear, grow, seem, smell, taste
Example: Maria seems tired from shopping.
The Lay/Lie and Raise/Rise Confusion
These two pairs of verbs are constantly misused. In each, there is a transitive verb (TRV) and an intransitive verb (INV).
Lie — Intransitive, means recline or be situated
Lay — Transitive, means to place or put something
Rise — Intransitive, means to get up.
Raise — Transitive, means to lift something up.
Infinitive — INV: Lie
TRV: Lay
INV: Rise
TRV: Raise
Past Tense — Lie (Lay)
Raise (Raised)
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